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Why can't everyone condemn Hamas?

Following Hamas' atrocities in Israel, the media are awash with commentary, so I will keep my comments short. I am shocked by the willin...

Sunday 2 June 2024

Move over SMRs , here comes the Micro Reactor

For over 70 years, nuclear energy has been a reliable and efficient source of power. It boasts safety, cost-effectiveness, and minimal emissions. In fact, it stands as the sole scalable low-emission energy option capable of providing continuous operation 24/7. While wind and solar energy are also scalable, their intermittent nature poses challenges. Hydro energy, unfortunately, lacks scalability—it’s either available or not.

As the world grapples with the threat of catastrophic climate change, many turn to renewables like wind and solar. However, their low energy density and intermittent supply prevent them from serving as baseload power for modern societies. Intermittency necessitates backup, which typically comes from fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Although energy storage solutions are improving, they remain inefficient and costly, unable to fully address the variability of wind and solar power. After all, we can’t simply ask industries or individuals to go without energy during intermittent periods.

Nuclear energy offers a promising solution, yet inexplicably, some of the loudest voices advocating for fossil fuel elimination also push for nuclear shutdowns. Fortunately, recent developments have shifted this narrative. Factors like war, severe winters, and consumer pressure due to high energy costs have forced green groups to reconsider nuclear energy.

Enter Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). These innovative designs promise reduced construction costs and implementation times, making nuclear energy more accessible worldwide.

But that’s not all. Micro nuclear reactors take miniaturization to the next level, offering power capacities of 1 to 5 MW—small enough to fit into shipping containers. Imagine the transformative impact on global energy distribution, making affordable energy widely available.

For a deeper dive, check out the video below, which provides essential background information

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