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Why can't everyone condemn Hamas?

Following Hamas' atrocities in Israel, the media are awash with commentary, so I will keep my comments short. I am shocked by the willin...

Thursday, 28 November 2024

On the grapevine WE 1 Dec 24


  • Following the announcement of DOGE headed up by Elon and Musk many an observer has started highlighting the unjustified and bizarre spending by the US government. Even the Readers' Digest is getting in on finding wasted money. Here is their list of 11 such items, and they are really, really bizarre and clearly wasteful... Read this one 11 Bizarre Things the U.S. Government Actually Spent Money On
  • Another good one from Konstantin Kisin. This one is on political labels. In Fine, Call Me "Right-Wing" , Kisin explores the use of labels to intimidate and slur commentators. After all he points out the lable 'Right Wing' invariably applies to half the population so how can it be a sensible slur. Want more watch the video.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

On the grapevine WE 23 Nov 24

 Here are some articles of interest for this week;

  • The IDF has released a video of Gazans calling out Hamas for their atrocities. You won't hear this in the MSM which seems to be dominated by anti Israel viewpoints. Yet here are some of the civilans of Gaza calling out the terrorists for what they have done and continue to do to their own people. See the video here FULL REPORT - 'Hamas Hurt Us, Killed us': Unfiltered Gazans Speak Out

This is after multiple statements from the US that Israel would not/did not attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Why the discrepancy? Perhaps US was trying to provide Iran with plausible deniability to minimise further attcks by Iran on Israel. So why is it ok for this news to come out now? Election of Trump, perhaps. In any case here is one of the many YouTube references. 


Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Trump tidal wave is rolling over world

November 5 has come and gone, and suddenly the world has changed. It has been a stunning victory for Trump and it seems the world. Perhaps you think this is overstating it, and I would usually try to avoid, or at least temper such hyperbole. But it seems singularly appropriate in this case.

Consider this, Trump will only be sworn in on 20th Jan next year, 2 months from now, but his election has already had some serious, beneficial, unforeseen consequences.

Over just the last 7 days;

- Qatar has evicted Hamas leadership from the enclave
- Hamas themselves have offered to have discussions 
- Putin has opened the door to negotiations with Trump on Ukraine
- Iran has postponed its threatened retaliation to Israel's recent retaliation
- Lawfare cases against Trump have been stayed or dropped
- Trump has announced a new team of ultra MAGA supporters, including Border Tsar, Chief of Staff, Head of Defense , Head of CIA, Ambassador to Israel, US representative to UN, Secretary of State, etc., etc.
- Trump has announced the creation of a Department of Government Efficiency headed by Elon and Vivek. The objective being to reduce government spending. I am looking forward to see what can be achieved here
- and many a world leader has been congratulating him, and raising their individual issues, trying to curry favor. The Korean head of state has even taken up golf, or is it just more practice, anticipating that he needs to hone his skills for some future Trump matches.

Most significantly, he has launched a series of videos on X outlining his objectives and how he intends to achieve his election promises. Here are a few are ;-

Trumps policy on Free Speech

Trumps policy on Law and Order

Trump's Education policy 

Trump has certainly taken off at breakneck speed. Hard to fault his drive and energy.

Of course his many adversaries, both Democrat and Rhino, while a bit stunned by both his landslide victory and his rapid leadership stance, are going to get their act together , so the apparent smooth start will no doubt falter. Some have already come out declaring their intentions to fight MAGA at every turn. 

Trump's intention to drain the swamp, ridding the vast public service of partisan bureaucrats will be the greatest challenge. I am looking forward to this battle.

Even if he achieves just a small proportion of his plan he will have changed the world.

Good Luck Donald! 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Remember, Remember the 5th of November!

Well, it is over. What has been touted by many as the biggest and most significant election of our lifetimes, the election of the leader of the free world at a particularly challenging time for the world.  Trump has triumphed despite the slings and arrows of outrageous democrat slurs, accusations, lawsuits, and 2 assassination attempts. In short, everything that the Democrats could throw at him both legally and illegally. And it has been no small victory. He has thoroughly vanquished his opposition by resoundingly winning the popular vote, the electoral colleges, the Senate and, most probably, the House. A full sweep. 

It has been all the more dramatic because it was largely unexpected. The polls, the main-stream media, the wide range of independent commentators, all predicted a very close election that would take weeks to sort through. It didn't happen. Within a few short hours, in the early hours of the 6th November, Trump reached the magic 270 electoral college votes with many more to come. He is today at 295 but with his count leading in Nevada and Arizona, he is likely to reach 312.

The win has realized the dream of many of his supporters. Those who have stood by him despite the wild commentary by the media. It has also realised the worst nightmare for glued-on Democrats and even some Never-Trumpers who have come to believe, quite irrationally, that he is evil incarnate. 

I have been a supporter, so am pleased with the result. I confess to some misgivings about his style but judge from his achievements in his first term. My support and I guess the support of many, has also been predicated on the blatant unsuitability of his opponent. Harris was a very weak contender for the Presidency. She was inarticulate, could not deliver a cohesive message, and was afraid to face the media. She is a muddled thinker and poor communicator incessantly generating convoluted, nonsensical verbiage. She should never have been selected to run for the Presidency and would not have been if she faced the normal democratic selection process. But all that is moot. The people have voted and I believe they made the right decision.

The reaction on social media has been predictably entertaining.  I could not resist re-posting a few of the wide range of memes generated by the X-eratti (I think Twitteratti sounds better, but I guess we may get used to it eventually!)

Here they are, enjoy!





That's all folks! 

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Dumpster Fire

With but a few days to go, many a political pundit, include me in, has reached election saturation. So the recent injection of humor is more than welcome. Given the unlimited imagination of the world's political observers, most probably in the billions, there has been a wide range of responses to the most recent gaffe by Joe Biden. Was it a gaffe? Hard to say, as most things he has said recently can be attributed to his cognitive challenges or to his most well honed ability to sabotage his back- stabbing VEEP's presidential hopes.

Nevertheless we can be thankful that good old "never underestimate how well Joe can f*ck things up" Biden has called half the electorate "garbage". It has focused many a humorist's attention. Indeed the Don himself has exploited this in great measure with hi-viz gear and garbage trucks and a willingness to identify himself with common folk.

Ignoring the Democrats' attempt at putting out the Dumpster Fire that this gaffe-grenade has caused. Ignoring the multiple unbelievable excuses, and ignoring Kamala's continuing to call for unity by raising increasingly shrill invective against Trump and his supporters.

No lets ignore that although that does carry a certain amount of pleasing schadenfreude. Yes, I know that is a tautology. 

Instead lets look at the memes generated by the right-side of politics.

Here are a few I picked up. Certainly worth a break from poll-watching.