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Why can't everyone condemn Hamas?

Following Hamas' atrocities in Israel, the media are awash with commentary, so I will keep my comments short. I am shocked by the willin...

Monday, 30 December 2024

On the grapevine WE 5 Jan 2005

Migration Migraine

While the article focuses on the issues arising from an influx of a large number of migrants from a different culture in a small town, most of the issues are universal. The same problems have arisen in every country that has taken large numbers of migrants from the Middle East and Africa. These migrants certainly share many attributes of all migrants, such as a willingness to work hard to make a go of it. Many also try to fit in with the predominant culture, religion and values. Yet problems stem from a lack of employment opportunities, the need for welfare, language difficulties, schooling and housing. Despite the best intentions these inevitably cause a drain on the economy and friction with the population, especially when migrants appear to receive social benefits not received by many existing citizens.

And of course, the unspoken elephant in the room, is the problem of integrating Muslim migrants into a Judeo-Christian culture. Islam demands not only religious but also political loyalty. This is not surprising as many Islam-majority countries are theocracies. Not all migrants are strict adherents of course, and fewer still are dedicated Islamists, adhering to a jihadist interpretation of Islam. But it does not take many to cause serious societal problems.

We have been told for decades that migration builds a country, allows the mixing of cultures and provides economic benefits. The real-world experience with migration over the past 2 decades puts a lie to this. When accepting migrants, no country wants to replace their own culture. They want migrants to gradually but fully integrate into the society which they have joined. The only way to achieve this is to limit the numbers of migrants to a small proportion (<3%) of the population, and to ensure that those with a different cultural background are further limited.

Unfortunately, this is now the most pressing issue in much of the Western World, where migration from ME and Africa has exceeded my conservative numbers.  As a consequence many countries are now struggling with the growth of significant opposition to migration and social conflict where migrant populations and resident populations end up forming vigilante gangs. 

It is hard to put the migration genie back into the bottle.

Raw Hide

Clint Eastwood, burst onto our television screens 60 years ago as the archetype cowboy in RawHide. Soon after he always played the taciturn, cool, tough, principled hero in many a movie. His later career was as a director with academy award-winning films such as Bridges of Madison County and Million Dollar Baby. 
In an industry that has become the epicenter of Woke ideology, Eastwood has remained steadfastly independent. Both in his personal and public persona, and his movies, he has maintained his values, patriotism, self-reliance, respect for the law, and freedom of individual action.  A recent video covers his willingness to speak out against Woke culture.

Happy New Year!

2024 has been a tough year for too many around the world. Most notably those living in a war, zone; Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Ukraine, and Russia. And also those in Sudan who are suffering a severe famine due to civil war between military rivals. 

The ramifications of these wars have spread around the world. Most notably and somewhat surprisingly there has been a veritable explosion of anti-semitism seemingly triggered by a barbaric attack by Hamas terrorists on youths in Israel attending a music festival. Strangely, the antisemites celebrated these atrocities in many of the world's democratic cities. and even before Israel had taken any steps to fight back. The lack of a strong reaction to these outbursts of antisemitism has been shameful and has allowed ever-escalating demonstrations and anti-Semitic terrorist acts.  

On the political front, we have seen multiple attempts by left-wing organisations to maintain power. In the US the Biden presidency has decayed as has Biden's health. Multiple attempts at stopping Trump have failed, and miraculously he was elected in a landslide. The reelection of Trump is the singular most remarkable event of the year.  His victory in the face of unprecedented unscrupulous Democrat dirty tricks has elevated him. All around the world people are looking to Trump to stop the wars, stop the cultural extremists and right the world again. Alas, that is a total reversal of expectations at his last election. 

We have also seen the slow but increasingly rapid failure of Wokism. Whether it be gender politics, DEI, Open Borders, or Indigenous rights. It seems the majority has voted against the Woke. Trump has already and will continue to reverse the Woke policies of the Biden administration.
In Australia, the defeat of the Voice referendum last year was the turning point for the popularity of the Labor government.  Followed by the unprecedented deterioration of the standard of living, the high inflation, and high electricity costs, the Labor government is now likely to lose their majority and perhaps lose power altogether. We could have a return to a conservative government after just a single term of Labor. Given the damage Labor has managed to inflict on the country in just 3 years, let's all hope Labor is evicted early this year.

So like many years, we have had the good with the bad. Unfortunately, for many of us, it has been very difficult. On a personal note too, health issues inflicted their toll on both family members and friends. 
May the next year bring peace, maintain health, and provide success in all our endeavours. 

Wishing you all a more peaceful and healthy 2025.

Tech & Engineering Year in Review

The rate of technological change is ever-accelerating. Each year brings unpredicted developments many of which seem minor at the time but change the world. Here is a review of the changes over the past year.

Milei Miracle

In what can only be hailed as a miracle, in just 12 months Javier Milei the eclectic leader of Argentina has succeeded where even many supporters would have doubted. He has pulled Argentina out of recession, and to do so has demonstrated that conservative economics together with a good deal of guts and painful measures can turn around even a basket-case economy. Israel Hayom in an article titled "How Javier Milei pulled Argentina out of recession" highlights Milei's achievements.

At the time of his election, "Argentina was grappling with monthly inflation of 12.8% (a 211% annual rate). The government was printing money at a frenzied pace, resulting in a budget deficit of billions and a massive trade imbalance that created a foreign currency crisis. Poverty engulfed 42% of the population, the real exchange rate of the Argentine peso against the dollar was at a record low, and the economy was sliding into recession."

Yet in just 12 months

  • Argentina recorded its first positive economic growth in years—3.9%. 
  • Inflation has dropped to just 2.4% monthly, a low for the last 4 years
  • the national budget  is balanced for the first time in 15 years
  • closed the gap between official and black-market exchange rates.
Without a doubt, Milei has delivered economic recovery for what was a distressed nation.


Is there any morality in the UN?

Very little. But sometimes, some rare times, individual nations' representatives dare to call out the immorality of the mob . Here is one such case. I only managed to pick it up in a tweet. Alas that in itself shows how our media do not cover anything that goes against the zeitgeist.
here is the tweet. The included video is a must-see!

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

On the grapevine WE 29 Dec 24

The real cost of renewables

The drive to decarbonise has multiple consequences. If nuclear is excluded, as technically it is not a 'renewable' , intermittency inevitably lead to increaseds electricity costs. Increased electricity costs lead to de-industrialisation, and a downward spiral of living standards. Many an industrial nation drunk the Climate Change dogma and started the process to economic ruin. Electoral defeat of its advocates will inevitably cause a re-evaluation and a change in policy but not before severe economic harm. It is happening in many democratic countries. Most recently an article in The Gatestone Institute tells the story of Germany's self inflicted industrial strife. Titled "Europe: The Fall of the Holy Renewable Empire" it is a sobering read, concluding; -

"In short, the Dunkelflaute(see note below) is the symptom of a profound energy crisis, caused by an ideological, authoritarian, irrational and failed energy transition. Dependence on unreliable energy sources (wind, solar), combined with the hasty phase-out of nuclear power, has made Germany's electricity the most expensive in Europe and compromises the country's -- and ultimately the continent's -- energy autonomy. The consequences are manifold: environmental, with high CO2 emissions; economic, with industry in steep decline, and geopolitical, with Germany's neighbors fed up with its failing energy diktat."

 Literally "flat, dark calm," Dunkelflaute is characterized by a simultaneous lack of wind and sun in winter, when demand for electricity in Germany is at its highest... On December 12 of this year, for example, German electricity production from wind and solar power was thirty times lower than the demand for it.

England, Australia, take heed. Do NOT repeat the mistakes of Germany. 

A picture tells a thousand words…so here are 2000 words

Thank You, Israel!

With a provocative title The Gatestone Institute's recent article tells some home truths. The article titled 
"Thank You, Israel, for Saving the World, Defending Freedom and Reshaping the Middle East" provides the background to Israel's heretofore unimaginable successes over their many enemies near and far; Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Syria and Iran. Read the article, but spoiler alert, here is their conclusion'
"It is time for Western nations to align with Israel, offer their full support, and take the necessary steps to ensure a safer, more secure future for all. Bravo, Israel! Thank you for your remarkable efforts in making the world a safer, freer, better place."

Hear! Hear!

Do Nuclear power workers suffer increased health risks?

Australia's Labor government is starting to panic. Once the LNP threw down the gauntlet by announcing a pro-nuclear stance, Labor had a fight on its hands. First they tried some scare tactics regarding the safety of nuclear for the general public, especially those who would live close to a reactor. Cartoons of fish with three eyes or two-headed Koalas were meant to convince the public that this was risky. But it didn't work. Everyone saw through the rather childish approach. 

They then reverted to the economic argument "Renewables is the lowest cost form of electricity generation, significantly lower than coal and nuclear energy. " They referred to the CSIRO's Gencost Report and the AEMO's calculations. This too is not working. Primarily because both the CSIRO and AEMO have been fudging their figures; using incorrect lifespans, incorrect capacity ratings, incorrect parameters for backup storage and indeed omitting large swags of distribution costs not incurred with Coal or Nuclear. Moreover, they cannot hide the increasing use of nuclear worldwide.

Mmm, what to do? Why not try the scare tactics again but focus on the poor nuclear power workers this time. Think of the health effects on them! An ex-Greens candidate, Dr Baevis was chosen to deliver this message. Unfortunately her comments were quickly debunked. See Doctor slammed for ‘gold medal fear mongering’ on nuclear energy

The risks of exposure to radiation are best represented in the following graphics taken from Vox.com article on the radiation risks of air travel This chart puts the radiation from air travel in perspective. (Spoiler: It’s minuscule.)

The last two entries in the above table summarise the issue. The lowest annual dosage which creates an increased lifetime risk for cancer is 100,000 microSieverts, whereas the nuclear worker limit per annum is set at 50,000 microSieverts. The nuclear worker's annual  limit is set in order to provide a margin of safety to ensure the lifetime risk of cancer is not elevated.

Just say Merry Xmas

Forget all the 'Woke' organisations that seem to think that to respect minorities, majorities can be disrespected. Organisations that believe that acknowledging Dawali, and Ramadan are mandatory but acknowledging Xmas is not. 

I am pretty sure we are all over it. After the Voice referendum, after the Woolies Australia Day fiasco, we have shown that we will not patronize organisations that by their decisions show they do not want our business. 

We are all awake to the insidious attempt at the minority trying to dictate to the majority. Yes, we should all treat minorities with respect. But respect is a two-way street. It means that minorities should not try to impose their preferences on the majority. I have no problem wishing people a Merry Xmas or a Happy Hannukah or Happy Dawali. I do not have to be a member of a religion to be respectful of others' beliefs.

So for today, Merry Xmas and Happy Hannukah to all!

Are EVs green?

Driven by the climate zealot's dream of a Fossil-Fuel-Free world, the sale of EVs has taken off with gusto. Yes, there are battery issues, and the recharging stations' shortage and recharging time make EV ownership somewhat less comfortable than the old Kingswood. Still those are surmountable options, over time, perhaps. Yes, the question remains are they good for the environment. Given the current battery technology, there are severe issues that any real environmentalis,t not completely looney with climate change zealotry, would advocate an EV. 

Here is a short video covering the very real environmental issues with EVs.

Statins again

I vaguely recall a short piece on statins from an old episode of Beyond 2000 on the ABC. It raised controversial questions regarding the risk-benefit of using statins to reduce the risk of heart attacks. The episode had a number of consequences, an episode 'correcting the information' and then the resignation(?) of the presenter. Still, the cat was out of the bag and over the years I have kept a watchful eye for articles on statins and have personally concluded that its use was very questionable. I have raised it with friends who have been prescribed statins and they have in turn questioned their doctors. In almost all these cases the doctors insisted that 'your friend' was wrong. In one case the doctor agreed to stop the statins but only if the person had a zero calcium score. Indeed she did, and she is now off the pills. Chalk one up for 'your friend'.

This week I came across another statin sceptic, this one a respected heart specialist, Dr Aseem Malhotra. If you are taking statins you may be interested.

CSIRO updates Gencost report

I guess we should not be surprised that the CSIRO has once again updated its Gencost report. After all, it has been done several times already.  I remember a time when a report from the venerable CSIRO would become the bible, accepted and quoted by all. That seems to be of another time. 

I guess I should kind, it is hard for an organisation that is funded by the government to report objectively on an issue where the government has taken such an extreme stand. After all, claims that "nuclear  is the most expensive form of electricity generation", as so often repeated by Chris Bowen, is not easy to justify given its worldwide use and real-world experience. 

The CSIRO has made a commendable attempt at pleasing the government but those pesky engineers and opposition politicians keep reading the documents, identifying problems and poking fun at the reports. I guess that brings us to the most recent incarnation of the Gencost report. I won't quote the report but instead let you watch one of those pesky analysts poking fun at it.

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Is this objective reporting or propaganda?

I scan the headlines of several journals and happen to include the Sydney Morning Herald. It does not take a genius to pick up the political slant of these daily supposedly 'professional Journalism' papers. I guess they have a different understanding of what a 'professional journalist' does. Have a look at just this page from Tuesday's SMH.  Every single headline screams anti Dutton bias. Shameful and definitely NOT professional.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

On the grapevine WE 22 Dec 24

Engineered Insulin welcome news for diabetics

I could not resist the headline "Watch "Scientists Just Created a "Cure" For Diabetes - Breakthrough Explained", so I clicked through to watch the 20-minute YouTube video. It was well worth it. While it is not a 'cure' for diabetes, it is a new treatment using 'engineered' insulin. How is it different from the standard insulin and what is wrong with the insulin diabetics have been using for decades? If you ask any diabetic, managing blood glucose using insulin requires constant vigilance. For optimal health blood glucose must be within relatively tight limits (4 - 7 mm/L). The level is determined by the food consumed and how much insulin has been injected. After meals, blood glucose spikes, and the patient has to anticipate the level in order to inject the correct amount of insulin to ensure the spike does not exceed the optimal level. Most patients have learned how to do this and can live normal lives, most of the time. However, sometimes things go wrong and blood glucose goes too high or too low, both with negative consequences. 

So what can the new engineered insulin do to help this process? Quite simply it. the insulin itself self regulates. It in effect monitors the level of blood glucose and will automatically switch itself off when  blood glucose nears the optimal lower limit. This change removes a major risk with the management of diabetes and will be welcomed by diabetics around the world.

Have a look at the video, it is most informative and does not assume technical knowledge.


Media misreport Gaza casualties

Yet another study of the media's reporting of Gaza casualties has exposed the blatant anti-Israel bias in left-leaning media's reporting. The study by the Henry Jackson Society reported by Honest Reporting in  New Report Shreds the Hamas-Provided Casualty Numbers That Mainstream Media Won’t Question

In particular, the findings include ;-

  • 84% of the publications analyzed failed to make the critical distinction in total numbers between combatant deaths and civilian deaths.   
  • In 19% of the publications analyzed, the numbers of fatalities provided by Hamas-run institutions were used without citing any source, thereby suggesting those figures were undisputed.  
  • A mere 5% of outlets cited the casualty statistics provided by Israel; 98% cited figures by the Hamas-run MoH. The Israeli figures were questioned in half of the articles that cited them, whereas the Hamas figures were often taken at face value. 
  • Men were recorded in fatality lists as female when the same individual was reported as a male in the Palestinian Population Registry. Similarly, the ages of several fatalities have been found to be inaccurate – men in their twenties or thirties are reported as children and babies, skewing the reported number of women and children killed. 
  • There is a disproportionate number of young men of fighting age listed among the casualties. There is no differentiation between civilians and Hamas combatants. 
  • The figures reported by the Hamas-run MoH include those who died of natural causes.

Massive increase in autism

You may have heard criticism of RFK jr's views on the rise in autism and his anti-vax stand. It has been used to discredit him and may play a role in his upcoming confirmation hearings. But does he have a point? Has autism increased over the past 2 decades? Is it significant? The figures are frightening! Have a look at this recent video from Dr John Campbell.

The Druze want to be annexed by Israel

The sudden and unexpected fall of Assad has created a massive vacuum in the region. The rebel group HTS that won the victory of Assad,with considerable help from Turkey is just one of the many tribal groups that have been fighting a civil war for many years. There are Sunni groups,Shiite groups, Kurds, Christian and Druze. Of course I may have omitted some.

How will this all pan out? No one really knows but we are seeing some unexpected changes. Russia is leaving, and Israel has taken the opportunity to destroy military infrastructure lest the new rebel groups take control of the modern armaments that were at Assad's disposal. Don't expect any thanks from the rest of the world, but Israel is helping the democratic world despite the way it has been treated.

Now out of the blue, I came across this YouTube video "Who Are The Druze And Why Do They Seek Annexation By Israel?". It seems the Druze would like Israel to annex the Hadar region of Syria. This is adjacent to the Golan Heights which Israel has already annexed. The Druze fear the HTS Sunni Rebel group and would prefer to live under Israeli rule! It seems the Druze do not believe Israel is guilty of genocide. Perhaps they should tell the UN, the ICC and all those demonstrators in Western cities.

It is unlikely, but who knows, we have seen many unexpected developments already. 

Here is the video. 

Another threat to humanity!

Given the recent experience with what now is generally accepted to have been a genetically engineered virus causing a worldwide pandemic, it is hard to imagine something worse. But it seems our ever imaginative scientists will never forego a challenge. This time it is so-called 'mirror bacteria'. These are "synthetic microorganisms built from the reversed molecular building blocks of natural life." So our scientist are experimenting with the creation of synthetic bacteria. What can possibly go wrong?  A lot it seems In particular “Mirror bacteria would likely evade many human, animal and plant immune system responses and in each case would cause lethal infections that would spread without check.”

Kisin the West

In many a previous post, I have highlighted presentations by Konstantin Kisin. He is an insightful and incisive commentator on our culture. This time he presents his personal experience as a Russian immigrant to the West.  Again well the 10 minutes.

Calls to suspend COVID mRNA vaccines

The COVID pandemic tidal wave washed over the world causing widespread damage. Not only the cost of sickness and death resulting from COVID itself, not only the unprecedented suspension of the freedoms normally enjoyed in a democratic society but also the explosion of severe adverse events resulting from the mRNA vaccines. We have seen a multitude of studies showing that mRNA vaccines do not prevent infection, do not prevent contagion, do not avert hospitalisation,  and do not confer a risk-reward benefit except for very narrow groups of elderly or sick individuals. Yet in many countries, the official policy is for people of most age groups to be vaccinated and to take multiple booster shots regularly. As a result, there is an increasing number of calls for the suspension of the mRNA vaccines to limit the damage caused by these jabs. 

The most recent manifestation is a new petition called the Hope Accord calling for the suspension of the vaccines. Read more at HOPE Accord Petition: Doctors Sign on Calling for Immediate Suspension of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

But there is room for optimism. The number of adverse events has created a large cohort pushing for change. Soon we will reach a tipping point and suddenly what was once called a conspiracy theory will morph into accepted fact. 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

How to fight Anti-Semitism?

How to fight anti-Semitism?

The recent firebombing of the Addas Synagogue in Melbourne has again highlighted the dramatic rise in antisemitism following Hamas' massacre of Oct 7 '23. 

While many suggestions have been made, Australia's Labor Government seems paralyzed. Albanese's comment when confronted by this question was to simply note that 'antisemitism has been around for a long time." 

Mmm? Really! Yes, antisemitism has been around for a long time, but nowhere near the level experienced recently in Australia. Yes, there have been incidents in the past but whenever was there a firebombing of a synagogue, preceded by burning and painting antisemitic slogans on cars and buildings. No, the current spate of antisemitic acts is an escalation from almost weekly hateful demonstrations with wild crowds screaming anti-Israel anti-Jewish genocidal slogans. 

So what could the government do to redress the damage that has been done and rebuild social cohesion?

A good start would be a clear and specific statement of policy. It should avoid generalizations and certainly not mention Islamophobia

How about something like this?

"Antisemitism is unacceptable in our society and we will act decisively to prevent it. We will investigate any incident and use our existing hate speech laws to charge those found to be responsible. If our existing hate laws are found inadequate, we will strengthen the laws to ensure antisemitic hate speech is prohibited. 

If a person found guilty of hate speech is NOT an Australian citizen they will be deported.
The recent Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have gone beyond the normal standards a free society accepts as the right of all citizens. They have interfered with citizens' free use of roads and footpaths. Demonstrators have gone out of their way to hold demonstrations in suburbs with large Jewish populations or in front of Synagogues. They carry abusive anti-Jewish racist signs with outlawed symbols such as the swastika. They intimidate and verbally abuse people going about their business in their suburbs or in front of their synagogues. Demonstrations chant antisemitic genocidal slogans and intimidate and verbally abuse the local citizens. This behaviour is not acceptable in a truly multicultural society which respects the rights of all individuals.
As a result, we are introducing new standards for all demonstrations. All demonstrations must have a permit identifying the place and time where it is to take place and the expected number of attendees. Organisers must commit to ensuring all presenters will obey hate speech laws.

Any demonstration which has not been authorized will be disbanded by the police. Anti-Israel demonstrations will NOT be authorized in Jewish-dominated areas, or in proximity of a synagogue. Demonstrations will only be permitted in public parks, not in streets where they interfere with the daily life of citizens.

We will not accept the hate in our streets and will not allow our roads to be ruled by a racist mob.

We respect the right of citizens to protest and will always allow people to meet and demonstrate peacefully. However, this precludes intimidation, vilification or hate speech of any kind, and of course physical or verbal assault, of the types seen in many recent pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

I have focused these rules on antisemitism as that is the most significant problem in our society today.

We will of course apply similar rules to prevent abuse of any other minority group. We are committed to ensuring all people are treated with respect."

This is of course just a start. It has to be followed up by action. The police must do their job to enforce these decisions. The judiciary must enforce existing laws, and where they are found wanting the government must modify the laws to ensure social cohesion is not eroded by small groups of hate-mongers.

What do you think?

Monday, 9 December 2024

On the Grapevine WE15 Dec 24

Islamo-phobia or Islamist-phobia

Not a day passes without further outrageous anti-Semitic acts in one of Australia's state capitals. Yet in calling out these acts as 'unacceptable', un-Australian, and other cliches, our Labor politicians feel it necessary to mention Islamophobia. Implying without any justification that Islamophobia is somehow an equivalent problem to anti-Semitism. Nothing could be further from the truth. The most recent act against any Muslim was some 11 months ago. The outright vilification of Jews started on Oct 9 '23, in front of Sydney's Opera House, and has been a weekly event at incessant demonstrations.

So cut it out Ed Husic! Cut it out Richard Marles! Cut it out Chris Bowen!  You need to acknowledge that the rise in anti-Semitism in Australia has been caused by many Islamist constituents of your own electorates. 

The very people encouraging you to remember 'Islamaphobia' are the ones marching in the streets screaming anti-Semitic slogans. It is these wild mob of Islamists who are the drivers of anti-Semitism and indeed feed a real Islamist-phobia in our societies.
It will only stop once the government takes decisive action. I don't expect it to happen under this Labor government.  Hopefully, they only have a few more months in office. 

Weaponization of International Law

 Over the past four years under the Biden administration, we have seen the blatant weaponisation of many of the US's institutions against perceived Biden's Republican enemies. Now we are witnessing the weaponisation of UN institutions against perceived enemies. Israel is the most frequent victim, but the US is not spared. The recent article by Robert Williams titled "ICC Arrest Warrants and the Unacceptable Weaponization of International Law exposes the personal issues that led ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan to issue the warrants, the significant legal problems with the warrants, and the role of the international community in preventing such overreach from succeeding. Well worth a read.

United Nations violates its own charter

An incisive article in J-Wire highlights the UN's inconsistent treatment of Israel over the decades. Most notably in its most recent vote calling for an end to the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. This is in 'flagrant' violation of Article 80 of the United Nations Charter which committed to Israel the land on the West Bank of the Jordan river, ie Israel and Judea and Samaria.

It seems UN commitments are rather fluid, you can commit one day and de-commit on another.

Massive turnout against Anti-semitism

Collapse of  Syria provides new opportunities for the West 

The rapid collapse of the Assad regime has changed the strategic balance with a weakened Russia and Iran. This is a great opportunity to remove the threats posed by Iran and its puppets. 
Here is an interesting discussion of the strategic factors. 

This is how we should respond to the anti-Israel crowd

Monday, 2 December 2024

On the grapevine WE 8 Dec 24

  • In a week that has already seen political upheaval in South Korea with an on-again, off-again Marshall law declaration, we now have the end of the Syrian Assad regime. It has come lightning fast with rebels taking the country in less than a few weeks. The balance of power has shifted rather suddenly. Why? Assad's rule was founded on three supports, Hezbollah, Russia and Iran. Israel has substantially weakened Hezbollah and certainly distracted Iran. At the same time, Ukraine's successful resistance has weakened Russia. The rebel forces in Syria saw this weakness as an opportunity and struck, quickly and successfully. What will the future bring? It is difficult to be optimistic given the many factions that make up the 'Rebel' forces are Islamist. So no doubt this will have consequences, but the weakening of Iran and Russia is a welcome consequence. 
Utilizing data from the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and global vaccination datasets, the analysis reports a 26-fold increase in AEs with mRNA vaccines compared to flu vaccines. Notably, severe AEs such as myocarditis and thrombosis show incidence rate increases of 1,152-fold and 455-fold, respectively, relative to flu vaccines. 
  • We have seen this in many countries, a Pro-Palestinian demonstration is held in a public location with presenters and the crowd screaming genocidal anti-Semitic and anti-Israel chants. A small police presence watches but does not interfere with the demonstrators. Then when an individual or group voice their opposition to this hateful group, perhaps by even displaying an Israeli flag, the police ask the individual to leave as they are deemed to be 'disturbing the peace'. How is this acceptable? Don't the streets belong to all of us? I can understand the Police trying to avoid having to keep the two groups from doing violence against each other, and it seems easier to move a couple instead of facing a potential melee. But that is simply avoiding doing their job and relinquishing their role in keeping the streets safe for every citizen.  The folks at Rebel News faced this problem when one of their number was arrested for "disturbing the peace'. He learnt his lesson, At the next such demonstration, he turned up with 100 of his close friends. That certainly proved his point. Given the numbers, no one was arrested this time. But really, the police should always do their job to protect the rights of all citizens. Rebel News published their experience, but while it is rather long it is worth a view.

  • While Western media is preoccupied with the anti-Israeli demonstrations in many a capital city, giving the impression that these demonstrators are representative of the Arab world, the truth is far different. A recent article at Gatestone provides a totally difference picture. Read Arabs No Longer Buying the Lies of Hamas, Hezbollah 
  • One of the claims against Israel in the ICC's recent fiasco issuing illegal warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, is the claim of intentional famine caused by Israel. The fact that there has not been famine in Gaza is only one of the many problems with the ICC's case. Indeed Honest Reporting has exposed key errors in the reporting by Reuters on this non-famine. Read this one Reuters Accidentally Exposes the Sham Behind Gaza Famine Claims 
  • In another unexpected outcome of Trump's election, comedy has returned to nighttime television. Ok, it won't last but, here is a really humorous take on Biden's pardon of his son, by Jon Stewart. Must see. 

  • A lot can happen in just a few hours. I woke up this morning to the news that after the South Korean PM declared martial law late last night, all hell broke loose. Despite the army making a half-hearted attempt at closing down all media, closing parliament and trying to put it into place, the people rose with purpose. The opposition leader and the parliamentarians forced their way past pointed guns to convene and unanimously voted it down. Soon enough the PM called it off. Within a few short hours, the people thwarted an attempted coup. Who save the country? Certainly, the flow of information was the main weapon. Social media, phone cameras, and rapid transfer of information are the heroes. This was a demonstration of the best use of our advanced communication technology, its widespread use and people willing to stand up for their rights.
  • You would have heard about World Central Kitchen (WCK) when they made news earlier this year when an Israeli air strike killed workers delivering food in Gaza. It was particularly well covered in Australia as one of the workers killed was an Australian volunteer. There were some strong claims against Israel charges of indiscriminate, criminal targeting, etc. Israel di investigate and a number of the soldiers responsible were disciplined. Once again WCK is in the news, again for the death of workers at the hands of Israeli rockets. But this time, after an initial outcry, the world press is stumm. Why? Well, it seems the WCK vehicle was targeted by Israel since one of the employees of WCK was in fact a terrorist who had taken part in the Oct 7 massacre of innocent Israelis. The media should have reported this event with the same intensity as they covered the earlier incident. But I guess I am dreaming. this incident does not fall in the media's hot spot... In any case read the story here Inside the Media’s Duality as Israel Targets Gaza Aid Worker Who Participated in October 7 Attacks
  • Joe eventually did what we all expected, and pardoned his son, but not only his gun and tax crimes, but ANY crimes that have occurred up to not 10 but 11 years ago. Mmm, is that a bit telling?!!
  • If you were in doubt that Trump would be "meek and gentle with these (Hamas) butchers", your doubts would have been dispelled by his single-minded, forceful demand that Hamas release the hostages before his inauguration on January 20th. What a contrast to Biden's "don't". As one commentator said today "Thank goodness America now has a sentient president". He is much more than just sentient he is showing the strong leadership required in our troubled world.

  • A bit of wry humour sent to me by a friend. Sorry, no source reference. 
  • The staggering costs of Australian Labor's rapid decarbonization strategy were laid bare in Gerard Holland's presentation at the recent ARC conference. A must see!

Thursday, 28 November 2024

On the grapevine WE 1 Dec 24


  • Following the announcement of DOGE headed up by Elon and Musk many an observer has started highlighting the unjustified and bizarre spending by the US government. Even the Readers' Digest is getting in on finding wasted money. Here is their list of 11 such items, and they are really, really bizarre and clearly wasteful... Read this one 11 Bizarre Things the U.S. Government Actually Spent Money On
  • Another good one from Konstantin Kisin. This one is on political labels. In Fine, Call Me "Right-Wing" , Kisin explores the use of labels to intimidate and slur commentators. After all he points out the lable 'Right Wing' invariably applies to half the population so how can it be a sensible slur. Want more watch the video.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

On the grapevine WE 23 Nov 24

 Here are some articles of interest for this week;

  • The IDF has released a video of Gazans calling out Hamas for their atrocities. You won't hear this in the MSM which seems to be dominated by anti Israel viewpoints. Yet here are some of the civilans of Gaza calling out the terrorists for what they have done and continue to do to their own people. See the video here FULL REPORT - 'Hamas Hurt Us, Killed us': Unfiltered Gazans Speak Out

This is after multiple statements from the US that Israel would not/did not attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Why the discrepancy? Perhaps US was trying to provide Iran with plausible deniability to minimise further attcks by Iran on Israel. So why is it ok for this news to come out now? Election of Trump, perhaps. In any case here is one of the many YouTube references. 


Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Trump tidal wave is rolling over world

November 5 has come and gone, and suddenly the world has changed. It has been a stunning victory for Trump and it seems the world. Perhaps you think this is overstating it, and I would usually try to avoid, or at least temper such hyperbole. But it seems singularly appropriate in this case.

Consider this, Trump will only be sworn in on 20th Jan next year, 2 months from now, but his election has already had some serious, beneficial, unforeseen consequences.

Over just the last 7 days;

- Qatar has evicted Hamas leadership from the enclave
- Hamas themselves have offered to have discussions 
- Putin has opened the door to negotiations with Trump on Ukraine
- Iran has postponed its threatened retaliation to Israel's recent retaliation
- Lawfare cases against Trump have been stayed or dropped
- Trump has announced a new team of ultra MAGA supporters, including Border Tsar, Chief of Staff, Head of Defense , Head of CIA, Ambassador to Israel, US representative to UN, Secretary of State, etc., etc.
- Trump has announced the creation of a Department of Government Efficiency headed by Elon and Vivek. The objective being to reduce government spending. I am looking forward to see what can be achieved here
- and many a world leader has been congratulating him, and raising their individual issues, trying to curry favor. The Korean head of state has even taken up golf, or is it just more practice, anticipating that he needs to hone his skills for some future Trump matches.

Most significantly, he has launched a series of videos on X outlining his objectives and how he intends to achieve his election promises. Here are a few are ;-

Trumps policy on Free Speech

Trumps policy on Law and Order

Trump's Education policy 

Trump has certainly taken off at breakneck speed. Hard to fault his drive and energy.

Of course his many adversaries, both Democrat and Rhino, while a bit stunned by both his landslide victory and his rapid leadership stance, are going to get their act together , so the apparent smooth start will no doubt falter. Some have already come out declaring their intentions to fight MAGA at every turn. 

Trump's intention to drain the swamp, ridding the vast public service of partisan bureaucrats will be the greatest challenge. I am looking forward to this battle.

Even if he achieves just a small proportion of his plan he will have changed the world.

Good Luck Donald! 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Remember, Remember the 5th of November!

Well, it is over. What has been touted by many as the biggest and most significant election of our lifetimes, the election of the leader of the free world at a particularly challenging time for the world.  Trump has triumphed despite the slings and arrows of outrageous democrat slurs, accusations, lawsuits, and 2 assassination attempts. In short, everything that the Democrats could throw at him both legally and illegally. And it has been no small victory. He has thoroughly vanquished his opposition by resoundingly winning the popular vote, the electoral colleges, the Senate and, most probably, the House. A full sweep. 

It has been all the more dramatic because it was largely unexpected. The polls, the main-stream media, the wide range of independent commentators, all predicted a very close election that would take weeks to sort through. It didn't happen. Within a few short hours, in the early hours of the 6th November, Trump reached the magic 270 electoral college votes with many more to come. He is today at 295 but with his count leading in Nevada and Arizona, he is likely to reach 312.

The win has realized the dream of many of his supporters. Those who have stood by him despite the wild commentary by the media. It has also realised the worst nightmare for glued-on Democrats and even some Never-Trumpers who have come to believe, quite irrationally, that he is evil incarnate. 

I have been a supporter, so am pleased with the result. I confess to some misgivings about his style but judge from his achievements in his first term. My support and I guess the support of many, has also been predicated on the blatant unsuitability of his opponent. Harris was a very weak contender for the Presidency. She was inarticulate, could not deliver a cohesive message, and was afraid to face the media. She is a muddled thinker and poor communicator incessantly generating convoluted, nonsensical verbiage. She should never have been selected to run for the Presidency and would not have been if she faced the normal democratic selection process. But all that is moot. The people have voted and I believe they made the right decision.

The reaction on social media has been predictably entertaining.  I could not resist re-posting a few of the wide range of memes generated by the X-eratti (I think Twitteratti sounds better, but I guess we may get used to it eventually!)

Here they are, enjoy!





That's all folks! 

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Dumpster Fire

With but a few days to go, many a political pundit, include me in, has reached election saturation. So the recent injection of humor is more than welcome. Given the unlimited imagination of the world's political observers, most probably in the billions, there has been a wide range of responses to the most recent gaffe by Joe Biden. Was it a gaffe? Hard to say, as most things he has said recently can be attributed to his cognitive challenges or to his most well honed ability to sabotage his back- stabbing VEEP's presidential hopes.

Nevertheless we can be thankful that good old "never underestimate how well Joe can f*ck things up" Biden has called half the electorate "garbage". It has focused many a humorist's attention. Indeed the Don himself has exploited this in great measure with hi-viz gear and garbage trucks and a willingness to identify himself with common folk.

Ignoring the Democrats' attempt at putting out the Dumpster Fire that this gaffe-grenade has caused. Ignoring the multiple unbelievable excuses, and ignoring Kamala's continuing to call for unity by raising increasingly shrill invective against Trump and his supporters.

No lets ignore that although that does carry a certain amount of pleasing schadenfreude. Yes, I know that is a tautology. 

Instead lets look at the memes generated by the right-side of politics.

Here are a few I picked up. Certainly worth a break from poll-watching.