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Sunday 24 September 2023

The Sunlight Shuffle: John Clauser's Revelation Shakes up Climate Models

In the world of climate science, where intricate models strive to predict our planet's future, John Clauser, a Nobel Laureate in Physics, seems to have struck gold. He's unveiled a critical flaw in existing climate models, one that hinges on the assumption that the amount of sunlight reflected back into space remains constant. But as Clauser adeptly points out, in reality, this assumption doesn't hold water due to the ever-changing nature of cloud cover. 

 Let's delve into Clauser's revelation and why it's causing waves in the climate science community. 

The Achilles' Heel: Variable Albedo

The cornerstone of many climate models is the concept of albedo, which is the measure of how much sunlight is reflected back into space. These models often rely on the simplifying assumption that albedo remains constant. However, Clauser's astute observation challenges this notion by highlighting the variability of cloud cover. 

Cloud cover, on average, oscillates between 30% to 70%, and it's incredibly erratic. What's more, cloud cover acts as a negative feedback loop that helps stabilize Earth's temperature. As temperatures rise, evaporation from the oceans increases, leading to greater cloud formation. This, in turn, augments the proportion of sunlight that gets reflected back into space. It's a self-adjusting system, and climate models that overlook these variations are bound to falter. 

Water Vapor: A Game-Changer 

Clauser's insight doesn't stop at variable albedo. He emphasizes the immense influence of water vapor as a greenhouse gas. Surprisingly, water vapor has a much more significant impact on temperature compared to methane or carbon dioxide, approximately 200 times greater. Yet, many of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models tend to downplay the role of water vapor.

Reality vs. Models 

The implication of Clauser's findings is profound. Climate models that neglect variable albedo, particularly cloud cover variations, are fundamentally flawed. They fail to accurately predict past temperatures, let alone future climate scenarios. This revelation challenges the popular narrative of a climate emergency, suggesting that it might be based on models that do not faithfully reflect reality.

Censorship and Controversy

Predictably, Clauser's declarations stirred controversy, resulting in his suppression in mainstream media and by major tech companies. 

His insights, however, are not entirely hidden; those interested can watch his full talk on EpochTV, though it's behind a paywall. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/nobel-laureate-john-clauser-there-is-no-climate-emergency-climate-models-miss-one-key-variable-5486017), and there is a shorter version on YouTube at

In conclusion, John Clauser's revelations force us to reevaluate the foundations of climate science. The assumption of a constant albedo, without accounting for variable cloud cover, has created a rift between climate models and real-world observations. Furthermore, the substantial role of water vapor in climate change adds another layer of complexity that many models disregard. While Clauser's views have been met with skepticism and censorship, they open the door to important discussions about the accuracy of climate models and the narratives surrounding the climate crisis.

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