Australia's Labor Govt's Farcical Climate Zealotry exposed in one picture!
DEI policies have life & death consequences!
Firedome to stop wild fires!
Israeli startup Firedome has developed a fire defense system
Another in the 'what-will-they-think-of-next category Gadi Benjamini CEO of Israeli firm -Firedome has developed a Iron-dome -look-a-like to fight wildfires. Instead of shooting missiles to stop rockets, the Firedome shoots capsules of fire retardant specifically to areas where the system detects a fire. It solves one of the most difficult problems in fighting fires, the ability to stop new outbreaks in multiple locations. The Firedome can address multiple outbreaks simultaneously and tamp down a wildfire rapidly before it spreads.
JFK said "Victory has a thousand fathers while defeat is an orphan". How true that rings today with everyone claiming ownership of the announced but not yet consummated Ceasefire 'deal' between Israel and Hamas. Biden in his final goodbye address, we hope, claimed total ownership of the 'deal ' having been working on it for some 7 months.
Trump too has claimed the win. He has not been working on it for long at all, just a few weeks. But who is right? You need not go past the few facts I have noted to know who was the critical component of the 'deal'. Biden and his team have been working on this for 7 months, without being able to get an agreement, yet Trump has made the simple threat that if the 'deal' was not agreed upon before his inauguration (Jan 20, next Monday) "there would be hell to pay".Only this statement caused the players to agree to the 'deal'.
So forget Biden and his silly claims. Trump has achieved the 'deal' to the stage it has reached.
But of course, there are problems. Even as I write Israel has announced that Hamas is trying to change the terms of the 'deal', and as a consequence, until they confirm agreement with the negotiated terms there will be no ceasefire. We will see. In all likelihood, this is just a try-on, and Hamas will return to agreement, but is just being Hamas, a terrorist organisation, that cannot be trusted on anything.
You may have noticed that I have put 'deal' in quotation marks. Why? For Israel any agreement whereby they have to release terrorists for the return of civilian hostages is traumatic. It is a painful concession for the return of innocent citizens. A ceasefire is of course welcome, but NOT if a consequence is a future war with a repetition of the atrocities that started this one. I do not believe that negotiations with terrorists even for the return of hostages are justified. All such negotiations lead to increased hostage-taking in the future. What type of example is being set by the current deal. The terrorists end up having many of their captured brethren released for the return of a few of the innocent hostages, or their bodies. The released prisoners become emboldened and are invariably guilty of taking more innocent lives. So no its not a good deal for Israel.
Energy Ministers vs Reality
Australia's energy management is in chaos. Climate change commitments have hijacked all rational assessments of the costs of decarbonising the electricity grid. In another incisive video, Zoe Hilton asks "Is Australia building the lowest cost energy system?". Unfortunately, the answer is a clear NO! The plans that the AEMO claims compare ALL possible options do no such thing. They only look at Renewable options, excluding nuclear and coal. So the constraints that the government has placed on the AEMO ensure that the government policies are confirmed.
Zoe's video is well worth the 12 minutes. If only there were penalties for misinformation spread by governments!
Climate Zealotry knows no bounds
One would have thought that the lets-blame-everything-on-climate-change syndrome would have gone into hibernation over the Northern Hemisphere winter. Especially given the almost weekly announcements of extreme cold weather. But no!
The catastrophic LA fires are not blamed on the lack of forest clearing, the shortage of water, the reduction in the Fire Department budget, or the priority in hiring Fire-persons based on DEI. No, none of these is to blame, the fires were caused by climate change. I guess it is convenient to have a scapegoat so those in authority don't need to make any changes. Well, they have been trying that, but I suspect it is not working. The people have seen through it and are calling the governor, the mayor and the Head of the Fire Department to explain themselves. They in turn are now pointing fingers at each other. What happened to accountability? For once I would like to see a leader face the music. Newsom could simply say: I am sorry, I stuffed up. I resign". But I guess I am dreamin'.
The LA disaster is emblematic of Woke politicians who put their ideology ahead of the practical reality. No wonder that the tide has turned on Wokism and against Left Wing politicians around the world; New Zealand, Italy, Netherlands, France, US, and Argentina, just to name a few.
Back on Climate change, I came across this short video highlighting recent examples of the ridiculous claims made by Climate Zealots.
What does 'hell to pay' mean?
Israel Hayom published an article summarizing VP Elect Vance's explanation of what "all hell to pay means" for Hamas, and all Hamas supporters.
"It means enabling the Israelis to knock out the final couple of battalions of Hamas and their leadership," Vance said, according to FOX News, adding that there were other measures on the diplomatic front to complement this step."
"It means very aggressive sanctions and financial penalties on those who are supporting terrorist organizations in the Middle East"
It is hard to think of a more egregious failure of law and order than the Pakistani Rape Gangs episode now causing ructions in the UK. Allison Pearson, a leading reporter for The Telegraph's article titled "Elon Musk has ripped the cloak of deceit off one of Britain’s most disgusting scandals" does not hold back. It exposes the systematic repetitive failure of multiple police to do their job, to protect their citizenry.
Even after substantial evidence of rape and gang rape against multiple offenders, the police failed to charge them because they were Pakistani Muslims. If they had done their job and charged them, the police feared they would have been accused of being racist. So the gangs were allowed to operate and repeat their offences!
This is absolutely unacceptable in a free democratic country. It is a shameful episode that needs to be re-dressed. There needs to be a full public enquiry, every single person who was guilty of the charges should be charged and tried and if proven guilty they should be jailed. Every single police officer at all levels who failed to do their job should be disciplined and lose their job. Thank you to Allison Pearson and The Telegraph for reporting on what is a sensitive issue and their willingness to not let potential accusations of racism stand up for justice. The same thanks also go to Elon Musk who despite having a pretty busy life has used his free speech platform to bring a renewed focus on this injustice.
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